Operation and types of stock options as compensation system


  • Elena Merino Madrid Profesora Asociada del Departamento de Administración de Empresas. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (España)




pay systems, remuneration management, stock option plans, stock purchase rights, types of stock options


In recent times there have been a series of figures long-term variable remuneration, which seek to link the pay of management, directors and employees, increasing the value of the shares, so that, in seeking to enhance the value of these, the shareholders are benefited from this growth, the possibility of receiving higher returns.

Within these figures highlight the stock option plans because of its complex functioning as the various existing modalities.


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How to Cite

Merino Madrid, E. (2011). Operation and types of stock options as compensation system. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (339), 99–109. https://doi.org/10.51302/rtss.2011.5141