Approximation to a leadership model for public affairs management


  • Francisco Ramón Andrés Suárez Licenciado en Ciencias Económicas. Universidad de Alcalá de Henares (España)



effective leader, positive vision, management tools, encouraging


We have long accepted as an axiom the fact that public interests management is so high and of such nature that it is not possible to summit it to efficiency and working teams management criteria. This conflict is just feign so thees interests and challenges, more than any others, deserve that any necessary tools are put to their service in order to assure success and among them organization and leadership systems.

A natural resistance to change exist. But just because we have not been capable of showing our collaborators an improvement and success horizon. Any organization, also public ones, they are concerned by universal laws, similar to physics natural laws. The first one: performance is the result of motivation × competition. And the second one: the performance differers a long the time, it happens for different stages and using a suitable way we can lead it putting in balance personal and organization needs.

In some aspects change has begun. Notable efforts exist to design organization systems, recruitment, formation and relationship with collaborators policies.

It is necessary to transmit this impulse to each and every person concerned. Almost all of them have among their responsibilities a very special one, encourage another people to get a common challenge.

Public workers also give a receive motivation in their daily work. Inside public affairs management there are many people who have to behave as effective leaders, as Peter F. Drucker said, and they have not been provided with necessary tools for it.

Any strategy that we adopt must be based besides the previous two laws, on the development of a Positive Vision and on own motivation sources sincere analysis. Only in this way we can provide ourselves with a «toolbox» to work day after day our relationship with our team, our manager and us ourselves.

There many types of tools, each one with his indications and its use manual. But always we can do it in a simple and natural way. This way, encouraging a working team, to center them on a concrete challenge, to solve a difficult situation, to re-centre a collaborator, etc., will became daily acts that will make the way to our aims more motivating and wealth-producing.


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Drucker, P.F. «What Makes an Effective Executive», Harvard Business Review.

Fraser, A. y Neville, S. Teambuilding, Ed. The Industrial Society.

Hunter, J.C. La Paradoja, Ed. Empresa Activa.

Leboeuf, M. El gran principio del management, Ed. OW.

Management basique, Ed. EIDM.

Muro, F. Desarrollo de habilidades directivas, Ed. Otto Walter España.

Palom, F.J. Crear y liderar equipos de alto rendimiento, Ed. OW.

– Tiempo , prioridades y resultados, Palom, F.J. Ed. OW.



How to Cite

Andrés Suárez, F. R. (2010). Approximation to a leadership model for public affairs management. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (333), 171–206.