New human resources management. Challenges in the new paradigm


  • Juan Luis Garrigós Fernández Socio de Garrigós & Llopis Consultores Asociados Profesor Cef Valencia (España)



change, values, development, strategy, culture, talent


New times and situations require changes in companies. For the evolution of the human resources department of the companies, a change of approach is needed and its current role must be strategic.

Firstly, we must review the vision of the human resources department and carry out an audit in order to know the exact situation. Then, we will elaborate an action plan focused on the employees development.

The people who work in the human resources department must have specific skills and competences. However, this will not be sufficient: the company needs to have values. Only then we can lead a change.


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How to Cite

Garrigós Fernández, J. L. (2010). New human resources management. Challenges in the new paradigm. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (324), 165–176.