Labor legal implications of COVID-19: judicial lessons to ensure a safe future


  • Roberto Fernández Fernández Profesor titular de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social. Universidad de León (España)



COVID-19, state of alarm, essential staff, health secto


The situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has led not only to the declaration of a state of alarm with a duration never seen since the restoration of democracy in Spain, but also to the promulgation of a great profusion of regulations aimed at to order the new reality, which citizens have had to accept as a consequence of the rapid spread with which the disease was transmitted. Labor and Social Security Law has not been immune to the exceptional and temporary normative production that arose during this troubled period. In this sense, in addition to the labor content provisions collected in the royal alarm decrees, a good number of royal decrees-laws and ministerial orders have been issued that affect the institutions of this legal area of knowledge. Even though it is still too early to know the scope of all the labor regulations issued, the present work has tried to analyze them based on the judicial decisions that have been issued so far regarding this regulation, being able to say that they can already be achieved certain partial conclusions on certain matters in which a not inconsiderable number of court decisions have already fallen, in particular as regards the prevention of risks of essential staff, especially in the health sector.


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How to Cite

Fernández Fernández, R. (2020). Labor legal implications of COVID-19: judicial lessons to ensure a safe future. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (451), 19–62.