Content retention policy

All articles published in the Revista de Trabajo y Seguridad Social. CEF have a DOI (digital object identifier) and are permanently available in their final version.

The journal undertakes to carry out the maintenance of the content it publishes and to immediately register any updates or versions that may occur in the same.

Successive versions of the published articles -if any- are fully accessible to readers, each of them being registered on the article's page under the "Versions" section.

Proofreading of an article

Proofreading of articles will be adjusted for major errors discovered after publication that could mislead readers.


The publishing team reserves the right to disavow published articles whose unreliability is the result of both unintentional errors and scientific malpractice (e.g., manipulation of data, plagiarism, self-plagiarism, omission of sources consulted, etc.). In case of conflict, the journal will ask author(s) for explanations and evidence to clarify the problem and will make a final decision based on these. Should this occur, the journal will mandatorily publish, in its printed and electronic versions, a report on the disavowal of a given text, stating the reasons for such measures in order to distinguish between malpractice and unintentional error. Likewise, the journal will notify those responsible for the institution to which the author(s) of the article belong(s) of said disavowal. Disavowed works will be retained in the electronic edition of the journals, clearly and unequivocally warning that it is a disavowed article, to distinguish it from other corrections or comments.

If only part of the article contains an error, it may be later rectified by means of a publishing note or an erratum.

Any conflict of duplicity, caused by the simultaneous publication of an article in two journals, will be resolved by determining the date of receipt of the work in each of them.