Sustainable menstruation, a change in the rules: from continuity to awareness
sustainable menstruation, menstrual cup, menstrual panties, reusable pads, menstrual hygieneAbstract
Sustainable menstruation has gained significant momentum within the field of health and hygiene as a proactive means to promote social awareness, visibility, and responsibility. This study aims to assess the acceptance, usage, and awareness levels of sustainable period management options such as reusable pads, menstrual cups, and period underwear in Spain. To achieve this, an online survey was conducted in Spain, targeting a representative sample of individuals across the menstruation spectrum, from menarche to menopause. The survey collected data on menstrual hygiene practices, routines, and attitudes towards adopting the aforementioned sustainable products. Results revealed a great degree of familiarity with these alternatives, their benefits and advantages, showing a positive trend for future adoption. Nonetheless, it is evident that there is a compelling need to continue pursuing innovative solutions that promote health, sustainability, and equality in menstrual hygiene management in the country. Upon in-depth analysis of the results, this dissertation identifies potential areas for future research and paves the way for a more comprehensive, inclusive, interdisciplinary, and cross-sectional approach to this topic.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Laura López Mateos, Nathalie García-Erviti Nijeboer
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