(Desti)nation branding and image repair strategies in Mexico. A qualitative case study of Visit Mexico’s official Instagram posts





(desti)nation branding, image repair, crisis communication, recovery marketing, Mexico, qualitative case study, thematic content analysis


This study analyses the use of image repair strategies and destination marketing techniques in online touristic promotional materials (Instagram posts) from Mexico, a long-standing popular destination which reputation was damaged by crime-related crises. To gain a positive (desti)nation image and a competitive edge in a globalised world, nations employ (desti)nation branding strategies to differentiate themselves. Crisis communication techniques, like Benoit’s (1997) Image Restoration Strategies and Coombs’ (2007) Situational Crisis Communication Theory can be used in the case of a negative image. Previous research also developed frameworks aimed at recovery marketing in a context of (desti)nation branding, like Avraham and Ketter’s (2008a) Source-Audience-Message strategies and Walters and Mair’s (2012) Tourism Disaster Recovery Messages. This research investigates image repair strategies used in Mexico’s promotional content, their combinations, and variations in English and Spanish corpora. A qualitative case study of 27 English and 43 Spanish posts in NVivo used grounded theory and iterative coding informed by prior research and our data. Results show strategies from destination branding-related frameworks were found most often. The English corpus emphasised a feeling of proximity with its target audience, while the Spanish-language content showed a wider variety of strategies due to its diversity. These results are useful for researchers and place marketers, highlighting the importance of using relevant strategies and understanding the target audience. Additionally, as a theoretical contribution to this field of study, we propose a new integrated framework for destination branding research.


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Author Biographies

Kim Van der Zwalmen, Master of English and Spanish Linguistics and Literature Master of Multilingual Professional Communication (Belgium)

Licenciada en Lengua y Literatura Inglesa y Española por la Universidad de Amberes. En 2023 se graduó de la misma universidad como Máster en Comunicación Profesional Multilingüe. Profesionalmente ha trabajado en copywriting y comunicación.

Cristina Homsi, Degree in Language and Literature and in International Business Management (Belgium)

Actual estudiante de comunicación profesional multilingüe y asociada de comunicación en AG Insurance en Bruselas. Licenciada en Lengua y Literatura y en Gestión Internacional de Empresas.

Lieve Vangehuchten, PhD in Romance linguistics. University of Antwerp (Belgium)

Profesora titular de español para fines específicos en la Universidad de Amberes. Imparte clases en el programa de grado en la Facultad de Empresariales y Economía, y en el programa de máster en la Facultad de Letras.


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How to Cite

Van der Zwalmen, K., Homsi, C., & Vangehuchten, L. (2024). (Desti)nation branding and image repair strategies in Mexico. A qualitative case study of Visit Mexico’s official Instagram posts. Revista De Marketing Y Publicidad, (9), 107–142. https://doi.org/10.51302/marketing.2024.19679



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