Marketing, influencers and similarity: personality traits shared with its followers




influencers, personality, followers, social media content, leadership, marketing 2.0, brand advocates


The following research aims to identify possible similarities in personality traits between influencers from Cuenca and their followers through the application of the Myers-Briggs test. An exhaustive study is conducted with the objective of determining if there are shared personality characteristics between these two groups. In the first phase of the study, the test is administered to participants to assess their personality. Subsequently, participants are classified according to the results obtained, facilitating the identification of predominant personality traits.

Following the initial phase, a detailed analysis of the influencers is carried out, taking into account various criteria related to their leadership style and personality. This analysis is conceived with the purpose of providing a deeper explanation of the possible underlying causes of the similarities or differences observed between influencers and their followers.

Upon conclusion, it is demonstrated that personality type, leadership style, content, and message approach are closely related to the results obtained. It is observed that influencer A does not share personality traits with her followers, while influencer B does exhibit similarities in personality with her audience. This finding underscores that similarity in personality between influencers and their followers is not necessarily a constant, but rather conditioned by factors such as leadership style, content, and message approach.


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Author Biographies

Pablo Arturo González Loyola, Universidad de Cuenca (Ecuador)

Professional with an undergraduate degree in marketing, holds an MBA and master's degrees in Marketing and Business Intelligence, as well as specializations in neuromarketing, digital marketing, communication, and advertising. Instructor of courses such as Consumer Behavior, Advertising, or Market Research in undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Professionally, has served as marketing manager in companies in the financial, tourism, and footwear marketing sectors. Currently, in addition to academic activities, dedicates time as a consultant/advisor to public and private institutions in the areas of commercial planning and management, as well as marketing.

Paul Andrés Correa Jiménez , Universidad de Cuenca (Ecuador)

He holds a degree in Marketing from the University of Cuenca. His areas of expertise include content creation for social media, managing advertising campaigns, customer service, sales closing. Additionally, he is passionate about the world of social media and how brands are getting increasingly closer to their customers.

Pablo Andrés Pugo Bacuilima, Universidad de Cuenca (Ecuador)

He got a degree in Marketing from the University of Cuenca (Ecuador). His preferred areas within the academic and professional fields include the development of marketing plans, pricing strategies, data analysis and strategy formulation, as well as market research and service delivery processes.


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How to Cite

González Loyola, P. A., Correa Jiménez , P. A., & Pugo Bacuilima, P. A. (2024). Marketing, influencers and similarity: personality traits shared with its followers. Revista De Marketing Y Publicidad.