Emotional attachment towards the brand and digital marketing as a successful strategy in times of Covid-19





brand love, online marketing, website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, covid-19


The Covid-19 pandemic has caused an unprecedented global economic crisis. All sectors of activity have been affected and have faced serious financial threats. For this reason, in a context of physical restrictions during the Covid-19 crisis (confinement and new normality), it is necessary to analyze the suitability of emphasizing the use of a digital marketing strategy. Through a mixed research based on the combination of a quantitative analysis (survey and econometric analysis) in conjunction with a qualitative analysis (focus group), this article aims to identify the role of the company’s website, app and social networks in the creation of an emotional attachment towards the brand.


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How to Cite

Baena Graciá, V. (2022). Emotional attachment towards the brand and digital marketing as a successful strategy in times of Covid-19. Revista De Marketing Y Publicidad, (6), 35–56. https://doi.org/10.51302/marketing.2022.3497