Be seamless, my firm! How to manage the consumers omnichannel seamless interaction experience




omnichannel, behavior, satisfaction, flow state, WOM


Nowadays, firms are facing a challenge, to offer an omnichannel seamless interaction experience (OSIE) in all channels and touchpoints, which is key for both customers and companies. However, there is still little research that provides theoretical and empirical evidence on how companies can create such an experience and its consequences. Therefore, this work aims to advance the knowledge of this experience to respond to business needs and, particularly, analyze: (1) the impact of the OSIE on consumer satisfaction, and (2) the impact of the OSIE on the flow state and the subsequent likelihood of sharing word of mouth (WOM). From two studies and using two research methods, a survey (N = 170) and a controlled experiment (N = 220), these relationships were tested. The findings confirm the positive effect of OSIE on customer satisfaction, flow state, and WOM. Besides, this work provides detailed business recommendations to help professionals in omnichannel management.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Torrico, P., Trabold Apadula, L., San Martín Gutiérrez, S., & San José Cabezudo, R. (2021). Be seamless, my firm! How to manage the consumers omnichannel seamless interaction experience. Revista De Marketing Y Publicidad, 1(3), 7–38.