How to create packaging that appeals to the consumer's brain: a packaging neurodesign investigation




neuro design, neuro marketing, packaging, eye tracking, GSR, facial expression


The importance of packaging is extraordinary: it represents the «visual, cognitive and emotional connection» between the product, the brand and the customer. In such a visually competitive environment, capturing the consumer's unconscious attention is essential. This research shows, through applied research in packaging neuro design, how to use the fundamental concepts and tools to collaborate with designers, providing the necessary data to decide among four different packagings. These four stimuli are analyzed from the bottom up (unconscious) and top down (conscious) variables of attention that are most relevant when defining a packaging: visual gazing and areas of interest (through eye-tracking), engagement and commitment (using facial expression: Affective software), arousal provoked by the stimulus (dermoelectric response: GSR), forced quick choice test (forced pick-up) and questionnaire of purchase reasons. The results represent an important technical and methodological contribution to the area of ​​neuro marketing and neuro design.


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How to Cite

Cuesta Cambra, U. (2021). How to create packaging that appeals to the consumer’s brain: a packaging neurodesign investigation. Revista De Marketing Y Publicidad, 1(3), 39–67.