Enhancing donor loyalty through market orientation and service quality at blood transfusion centers
blood donation, market orientation, service quality, social capital, loyaltyAbstract
Faced with the increasing demand for blood and greater restrictions on ensuring the safety of transfusions, voluntary donation is currently the only and best alternative for the health system to have a sustainable and safe blood supply. In this context, one of the primary strategies of blood transfusion centres is to increase the loyalty of their active donors so that they maintain their intention to donate in the future and, in turn, make the necessary recommendations so that third parties can become new donors. That is why this paper raises a question for research concerning, what should the premises be to guide the management of blood transfusion centres to maintain and even increase the loyalty of their active donors? In order to respond to this issue, a change in paradigm is proposed based on a management model supported by market orientation (donor) and service quality as basic pillars, as well as on the development of a number of key social capital resources that explain this orientation. Through the empirical analysis of a sample of 126 employees from various transfusion centres and 26,833 active donors in nine Spanish autonomous communities, we have been able to validate this proposed management model.
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