Evolution of attraction strategies in shopping centers after covid-19: the role of services focused on technology presence versus visit intention
attractiveness, shopping center, smart city, modern retail environment, technologyAbstract
Analyzing the attraction factors of shopping centers called modern retail environments is a topic of general interest in marketing. In this line, the role of services based on the presence of technology has been little studied in the face of the rise of transformation and intelligent environments to favor the quality of consumers’ lifestyles and their behavioral intentions. Therefore, a research was conducted to identify the perception of services focused on the presence of technology in shopping malls from the context of smart retail environments, in order to provide information to optimize the attractiveness of these places after covid-19. The method used was quantitative with descriptive correlational analysis through an online survey applied to 682 people. The results suggest that there is a favorable perception of technology as a factor of attractiveness in shopping malls, capable of being exploited by the constant evolution of this industry, where adapting to changes in customer lifestyles and digital consumption, requires more initiatives and evaluation of technology services capable of favoring the intention to visit shopping malls.
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