Consumer engagement and brand loyalty: the case of Atlético de Madrid supporters in the poscovid stage




consumer engagement, Atlético de Madrid, marketing, brand, loyalty, football


Consumer engagement is a concept related to brand loyalty, which establishes that the marketing objective that companies should have, beyond increasing sales and reducing costs to lower the price of products, towards search to create and foster a close and lasting bond; an emotional attachment to customers.

Through the responses to a survey of a group of supporters, we will understand the attitudes and decisions made by fans of a football team that are recognized for their «brand loyalty» and who have a strong emotional attachment, that is, for their fidelity to their colors: the Atlético de Madrid supporters. Thus, this fidelity has been shown not only through different situations throughout history, but it has been corroborated in the survey that has been carried out in this study in the poscovid stage.

Even though the players that a football team has represent undoubtedly very important assets and investments, sports managers must concentrate their efforts on managing the team’s brand, since this constitutes one of the most important assets of the club.

The decisions made by the club’s managers must take into account the preferences of the supporters, since a correct management of the commitment with the client depends on a fruitful relationship between the company and clients.


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Author Biography

Juan Carlos Aguado Franco, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid, España)

Doctor en Economía y profesor, y defensor universitario de la URJC. En 2017 ganó el segundo premio al mejor docente de Universidad de España (Premios Educa Abanca). En 2018 ganó el segundo premio de divulgación científica de la URJC. En 2019 fue finalista y ganador de un reconocimiento especial en los Premios Innovación Educativa MiríadaX. En 2019, candidato a los premios de internet por su MOOC «Aprende a tomar decisiones económicas acertadas». Fue finalista en 2019 en el Premio Estudios Financieros convocado por el CEF.-, en la modalidad de Educación y Nuevas Tecnologías. Es autor de 5 libros y de decenas de capítulos de libros y artículos en revistas nacionales e internacionales. Dirige cuatro MOOC.


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How to Cite

Aguado Franco, J. C. (2023). Consumer engagement and brand loyalty: the case of Atlético de Madrid supporters in the poscovid stage. Revista De Marketing Y Publicidad, (7), 27–48.



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