Influence of ethnocentrism: a study of the neurophysiological reactions of the beer consumer
Since the 1980s, the study of consumer behavior in the face of ethnocentric phenomena has been deepened, which can influence the purchasing decisions of individuals, when choosing a product according to the affinity it has with the origin of the brand. Nowadays, where there is a digital leap that has boosted electronic commerce, it is important to know if this phenomenon continues to be a barrier for companies that want to enter foreign markets.
Through an experimental quantitative research model, the neuro-behavioral pattern of consumption is explored by applying biometric technologies by measuring the attentional and emotional reaction, the association of attributes and the value associated with the brand that the consumer has when make a purchase decision. One hundred and forty-six subjects of four nationalities: Nicaraguans, Americans, Mexicans, and Costa Ricans, are exposed to various consumption tests for the beer category.
The results are analyzed with biometric processing analysis software. The results show low ethnocentric levels in neurobehavioral tests for Costa Ricans and Americans, and high levels in Mexicans and Nicaraguans. The research provides very clear guidelines to brands seeking to internationalize on the importance of seeking clear associations and perceived value at the consumer scale.
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