Early and reduced age retirements in Law 21/2021, of 28th December





Toledo Pact, early retirement, retirement age, ardous work, work with disabilities, pension reform, social security


With the aim of bringing the real retirement age closer to the legal one, and following the guidelines of Recommendation 12 of the Toledo Pact (version of November 2020) and its concretion in the Social Agreement of 1st July 2021, Law 21/2021, of 28th December, addresses an update of the anticipated retirements foreseen in our system. In it, the structural elements of the same (modalities, requirements) are not touched, focusing on the penalty coefficients, introducing more equitable ones (when going from quarterly to monthly) and beneficial in general terms, although higher for those who advance to the maximum their retirement, especially if it is voluntary (applying in this modality new rules for the cases in which the pension exceeds the maximum limit of pensions, which –like any reform that introduces changes of depth– is accompanied by transitory rules for its gradual application). Likewise, the legality prior to Law 27/2011 remains sine die for extinctions that occurred before April 2013.

On the other hand, and also based on Recommendation 12, the regulatory framework for the advancement of age due to arduous activities is modified, trying to unblock the procedure established in 2011 and which has proven not to be operational. Advancement of the age due to disability is broken down to have an autonomous regulation, without adding anything new but acknowledging the need for a thorough reform of this typology, as recommended.

Finally, an economic supplement is approved for those who retired early between 2002 and 2022, meeting a long period of contribution and, where appropriate, a low amount.


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How to Cite

Maldonado Molina, J. A. (2022). Early and reduced age retirements in Law 21/2021, of 28th December. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (467), 149–188. https://doi.org/10.51302/rtss.2022.4047

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