About the Journal

Focus and scope

The Revista de Trabajo y Seguridad Social. CEF  main purpose is to collaborate in the dissemination of scientific research in the areas of Labour and Social Security Law and Human Resources. It also offers commentaries by specialists on relevant regulatory provisions and court rulings of interest, and provides a forum for discussion, debate and proposals for solutions in matters of controversial practical application.

The contents of the journal include:

  • Doctoral studies resulting from original research in the areas of Labour and Social Security Law and Human Resources («Studies» and «Human Resources Studies» sections, respectively).
  • Comments on judicial decisions («Case-Law Discourses» section).
  • Discussion forums, on issues of controversial practical application («Discussion forum» section). 
  • Case studies («Case studies» section).
  • Bibliographical reviews («Bibliographical reviews» section).

In addition, among the research papers, which make up an important part of the contents of this publication, the award-winning studies and those selected as being of special interest by the jury of the Estudios Financieros Award in the categories of Labour and Social Security Law and Human Resources are included each year.

Frequency of publication

The Revista de Trabajo y Seguridad Social. CEF is published bimonthly.

Publishing policy criteria

The factors on which decisions regarding the acceptance or rejection of papers by the journal’s editors are based are as follows:

  • Originality.
  • Timeliness and novelty.
  • Relevance and applicability of the results for the resolution of real problems.
  • Significance for the advancement of scientific knowledge.
  • Proven methodological standards.
  • Presentation, sound composition and organization (logical coherence and material presentation).

Publishing system

This journal uses Open Journal Systems, which is an open access journal manager software, developed, funded and distributed free of charge by the Public Knowledge Project under the GNU General Public License.