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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Is this an original, unpublished article? Ensure that the submission has not been previously published by or submitted for consideration to any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the comments to the Editor).
  • Are you aware that after the scheduled embargo the article will be published under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 License?

  • Do you know that together with the article authors must attach the letter of originality and granting of copyright owner's exclusive rights duly completed and signed by all the authors?
  • Does the text meet the stylistic and bibliographical specifications outlined in the publication rules?
  • Is the submission file in Microsoft Word or OpenOffice format (in any version)?
  • Does each author's full academic affiliation and institutional e-mail address appear after his/her name?
  • Is an ORCID (mandatory), Google Scholar, ResearchGate, etc. academic identifier included after each abridged curriculum vitae?
  • Does the article contain an abstract in Spanish and in English?
  • Do the abstracts contain a maximum of 20 lines?
  • Are the keywords (between 7 and 9) with the possibility of syntagmas (but without its excessive use) situated under the abstract, separated by semicolons, with a final period?
  • Has the article been formatted according to the guidelines of the publication rules?
  • Are all tables, graphs and images labelled with captions and authorship or source identifiers?
  • Do all the images and figures have enough resolution to be published?
  • Does the format of the citations in the text and in the final bibliography comply with the latest edition of the APA Guidelines?
  • Does the text provide information on whether the original data of the research take gender into account in order to allow the identification of possible differences?
  • Have the final references been rigorously reviewed and include only those that have been cited in the text?
  • Are bibliographical references a maximum of 3 pages long?
  • Have you consulted and applied the journal’s Research Data Repository Policy?

Author Guidelines

If you wish to submit an original for evaluation, please take note of the following journal’s publication rules. Articles, regardless of the section they are submitted to, must be submitted through the journal's OJS platform Authors are encouraged to format their manuscripts using the following article template as a guideline.

A letter of originality and granting of copyright owner's exclusive rights must be included in the submission, duly completed and signed by all authors of the paper.

Two or more external expert reviewers will be assigned to confidentially and anonymously evaluate the article (double-blind review). They will use the online reviewer form for their report.

Editors will inform the author within 10 days as to whether the manuscript has been rejected or accepted for evaluation by the reviewers. Once the evaluation process has been completed, editors will decide whether or not to publish the article and will notify the main author of the acceptance or rejection of the article. For additional information about editorial policies please visit About the Journal.


The length should be between 20 and 30 pages.

Human Resources Studies

The length should be between 20 and 30 pages.

Case-law discourses

The length should be between 6 and 8 pages.

Discussion Forum

The length should comprise a maximum of 7 pages.

Case studies

The length should comprise a maximum of 20 pages.

Literature reviews

The length should comprise a maximum of 3 pages.

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Who is responsible for the processing of personal data? 

The entity responsible for the processing of personal data provided while browsing the website is Estudios Financieros Viriato, SL, with registered offices at Paseo del General Martínez Campos, 5, 28010 Madrid, and VAT number B78394517.

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