The agreed retirement. Pension commitments as a strategy to plan the orderly departures of the workforce


  • Rocío Gallego Losada Profesora titular. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (España)



pensions, retirement, Social Security, discrimination by age, collective bargaining, active ageing


In the next few years, the possibility of voluntarily extending work life before retirement can be a more attractive option for the worker due to fundamentally economic reasons, in an environment of aggravated demographic aging. Although this possibility is currently facing significant drawbacks, the foreseeable worsening in the coming decades of the pension replacement rate will require a reconsideration of the retirement decisions of many workers. Faced with concerns about the solvency of social security and pensions, public authorities are introducing regulations that delay the retirement age, try to contain spending and encourage active aging. One of the measures that has been more unnoticed in this attempt to extend the working life of mature workers has been the abolition of the forced retirement age that was included in most of the collective bargaining of our country. However, there is a strong discrepancy between businesses and public authorities over older workers. This article analyzes this new context and the options that can be managed by companies to actively manage the strategy around retirement benefits of their employees through voluntary improvements in this area.


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How to Cite

Gallego Losada, R. (2018). The agreed retirement. Pension commitments as a strategy to plan the orderly departures of the workforce. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (420), 19–43.