Intrapreneurship: talent and employment in the 21st century


  • Goretti Piñeiro López Licenciada en Derecho. Directora de Recursos Humanos de CEF.- UDIMA (España)
  • Carlos Cid Babarro Director de Recursos Humanos de Euroforum (España)



corporate entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, threats to employment, business challenges, people management


The problem of employment and some of the threats that hover over it constitute the central axis of this work. All this under the light of the whirlwind of technological changes that are making certain professions disappear, while requiring employees to be readjusted for their survival in the 21st century labor market. We have to learn to work and develop people in a VUCA environment, that is, variable, uncertain, complex and ambiguous.

The main idea defended in this study is that the development of entrepreneurship, quality not new in the people, will be crucial to cultivate the necessary talent in companies. In this sense, intrapreneurship, or corporate entrepreneurship, is addressed as the fundamental way to grow entrepreneurial talent within companies. Likewise, it emphasizes the need for continuous training adapted to the new circumstances of the labor market, in order to improve employability in the new times. To new challenges, old solutions. The training, the Corporate Universities, will reinforce their role as a dynamic element in this VUCA business environment of the 21st century in which we are already immersed.

The study provides some experiences of intrapreneurship in Spanish and international companies, with the intention of showing that this activity is taking place in the business sector. Finally, the analysis of the GEM index is addressed, insofar as it is the most relevant index related to the subject matter of analysis. All this based on the studies, reports and queries that appear at the bottom of the page.


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How to Cite

Piñeiro López, G., & Cid Babarro, C. (2018). Intrapreneurship: talent and employment in the 21st century. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (420), 177–214.

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