Responsibilities and sanctions in the environment of safety and health at work


  • Joaquín García Murcia Catedrático de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)



sanction, responsibility, breaches, infringement


It has met the twentieth anniversary of the publication in our national legal system, of the Law for Prevention of Risk in the workplaces, being evident changes that during these years the same has deployed in the business environment. In this context, we consider that for a proper functioning of the legal framework as complex and demanding, as is the health and safety in the workplace, are essential all those instruments which are specifically designed for the effective implementation of the law, in order to suppress the behaviors of failure to comply properly, breach or lack of diligence. By all it is known that the responsibilities and sanctions in the context of the prevention of occupational hazards can indeed be of very diverse nature and of very different characteristics, therefore, presents a complex picture and that sometimes raised delicate problems of concurrency.

The present work carries out a suggestive analysis of the different responsibilities in which may be incurred in occupational health and safety, as are the administrative, criminal, civil or heritage, social security and disciplinary, providing the main keys in this area reflecting the current system of responsibilities in the area of the prevention of occupational hazards.


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How to Cite

García Murcia, J. (2016). Responsibilities and sanctions in the environment of safety and health at work. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (395), 87–100.