The foundamental basics of Amazon's development in Spain and the evolution of its package delivery system




e-commerce, human resources, monopsony, delivery service partners, union postal, independent contractors, outsourcing, Amazon company


This study aims to focus precisely on the working conditions of this distribution that reaches the doors of our homes, and, more specifically, on the people who deliver for Amazon. The use of this preposition is not accidental. Many of these personnel in charge of distribution are not direct employees of some of Amazon's subsidiaries, but rather work for contracting companies that perform the "last mile". This expression has an interesting double meaning. It alludes, on the one hand, to the companies that in the logistics sector carry out the delivery closest to the private homes or destination places of the packages. On the other hand, the "last mile" phrase has traditionally been confronted with the hardness of the last stretch of a marathon, which would be a metaphor for the precariousness of work for these companies. No wonder some union research has played with this image, changing the adjective last to worst. The study analyzes the business model and the business structure for managing delivery personnel and its effects.

Supporting Agencies

Estudio que forma parte del proyecto de investigación del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación titulado «Algoritmos extractivos y neuroderechos. Retos regulatorios de la digitalización del trabajo» (ref. PID2022-139967NB-I00).


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Author Biography

Amparo Esteve Segarra, Professor of Labour and Social Security Law. University of València (Spain)

Catedrática de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social. Ha sido magistrada suplente de la Sala de lo Social del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de la Comunidad Valenciana durante 18 años y desde el 2020 es árbitra en temas laborales. Ha recibido diversos premios: en 1996, premio de terminación de estudios universitarios y premio de rendimiento académico; en 1997, Premio Fundación Manuel Broseta, Premio Bancaixa y Premio Rivero Lamas en dos ediciones, 2018 y 2022; y en 2024, el nacional de la Asociación San Raimundo de Peñafort. Es autora única de ocho monografías y un centenar de artículos.


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How to Cite

Esteve Segarra, A. (2024). The foundamental basics of Amazon’s development in Spain and the evolution of its package delivery system. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (483), 185–216.