The reforms of Royal Decree Law 20/2020, regulator of minimum vital income, and its immediate and relevant subsequent corrections




minimum income, subsistence guarantee, Social Security benefit, cohabitation unit, economic vulnerability, variable and differential amount


The approval of the minimum vital income («ingreso mínimo vital» –IMV– in Spanish) assumes completing the design of the Social Security System, perfecting its non-contributory level, although this does not necessarily means the disappearance of the autonomous benefits to guarantee subsistence income. It is a benefit with special rules in relation to the holders and beneficiaries, in particular everything related to cohabitation units, and other more common non-contributory benefits such as those referring to the situation of economic vulnerability, to the calculation of the income of those who request the benefit and the determination of the amount that is variable and differential. The approval of the IMV in a context of social and economic crisis as a consequence of the health emergency has caused the regulatory standard to be approved with a certain urgency that has had a negative impact on its precision and technical correctness. Reason why the initial rule has been subjected to several relevant subsequent corrections and reforms, which are those analyzed in this paper.


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How to Cite

González Ortega, S. (2021). The reforms of Royal Decree Law 20/2020, regulator of minimum vital income, and its immediate and relevant subsequent corrections. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (457), 23–69.