The conflict in hotel management: solutions based on knowledge management




task conflict, knowledge-oriented leadership, transactive memory system, inland hotels, innovation capabilities


This paper analyzes a series of factors based on organizational knowledge management (transactional memory systems and knowledge-oriented leadership) that contribute to reducing conflicts based on task management at work, in order to improve the innovation capabilities of the company. These factors have not been analyzed to date in the hotel sector, whose sustainability, in a context such as the current one, will depend on the development of new initiatives (many of them linked to new technologies and the knowledge society), services and process improvements. This paper proposes a series of hypotheses based on the role of knowledge-oriented leadership and transactive memory systems (collective memory of an organization) for the creation of a favorable context to reduce conflicts, achieve organizational commitment and improve innovation in the company. The model of relationships between variables has been tested through a structural equations model. The results and main implications are discussed by the authors of the work.


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How to Cite

González-Mohíno Sánchez, M., & Donate Manzanares, M. J. (2021). The conflict in hotel management: solutions based on knowledge management. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (465), 155–198.