The important of work motivation in the public employee: how to promote it


  • Ana Barrera Picón Funcionaria de la Administración Civil del Estado. Jefa de Área de Gestión de Personal Licenciada en Derecho por la Universidad Complutense y en Psicología por la UNED (España)



work motivation, public and private organizations, public Administration, public employee


The public employee is one of the most numerous groups of workers worldwide. In Spain the number of public employees is a very high level of the entire working population percentage. Despite being a very important sector, few specific studies that focus not only on own organizational aspects of public Administration but also on psychosocial aspects involved in the performance of labor activity by the human being. This study talks about one of the most important factors that must be taken into account when developing a work activity from the perspective of both, the employee and the organization in which you work. This factor is work motivation, fundamental factor to developing effective and quality work in organizations.

In the first part of this study, to understand how the mechanisms work motivation process, we will stop in fundamental factors involved in this process, then focusing on the concept of work motivation and main theories to explain this type of motivation. Then we will analyze what is meant by organizational environment and peculiarities that arise in the organizational environment of public employees versus other organizations and what is the current situation in the Spanish public Administration. Finally, based on the above, proposals are made to enhance employee motivation that provides services in the field of public Administration.


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How to Cite

Barrera Picón, A. (2015). The important of work motivation in the public employee: how to promote it. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (384), 239–272.