Shared Social Responsibility: A new model for managing and developing people to achieve organizational success and competitiveness


  • Antonio Madrid García Head of HR Operations. Compass Group (España)



shared social responsibility, model for managing and developing people, success, competitiveness, human resources director


The human resources director has evolved the same as the human resources department has. The creation of the department was the beginning. After that, the challenge was to move forward from an administrative view to a strategic one as a member of the executive committee. But the road hasn't been completed yet. Now, the human resources director must start a new phase with the aim of achieving success and competitiveness for the company. For that reason, we bet on a multidimensional and integrationist view where there are many agents involved with different levels of responsibility and it's been influenced by socioeconomic reality characterized by the decrease of birth rate, improving life expectancy, migratory movements, pensions system and unemployment rate. In addition, the model must allow the individualization of all human resources policies to answer to the concerns and expectations of all the employees, while the objectives are achieved in line with the Company strategy. We've named this orientation: shared social responsibility.


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How to Cite

Madrid García, A. (2015). Shared Social Responsibility: A new model for managing and developing people to achieve organizational success and competitiveness. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (387), 135–160.