About the computation of the period of 90 days to consider the existence of a collective dismissal and its nullity due to law fraud
Commented on STSJ of Navarra of March 29, 2010
collective/objective dismissals, employment regulation, term of 90 days and invalid dismissalAbstract
The annotated sentence explores the temporal element of collective redundancy: the 90 days term as initial reference to check if the number or percentage of dismissals are overcome or not; also the addition of objective dismissals for business reasons during successive periods of 90 days in order to prevent law fraud. And it affects the way to calculate that time (backward and forward) so as the extent of the nullity as a reaction against illegal or fraudulent conducts due to ignoring the procedure provided in article 51 ET.
Supporting Agencies
El presente ensayo se inscribe dentro de dos Proyectos de Investigación: DER 2009-13204, «Medidas de empleo ante la crisis empresarial», financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, y LE007A1D-1, «Expedientes de regulación y políticas de empleo», financiado por la Junta de Castilla y León