The impact of the social managerial responsibility in the business management: some empirical evidences in small and medium Spanish companies


  • Jorge Alberto Conde Vieitez Profesor del Departamento de Psicología Social y Antropología. Universidad de Salamanca (España)
  • Alberto Enrique de la Torre García Profesor del Departamento de Psicología Social y Antropología. Universidad de Salamanca (España)
  • Ángel Sánchez-Anguita Muñoz Profesor del Departamento de Psicología Social y Antropología. Universidad de Salamanca (España)
  • María Concepción Antón Rubio Profesora del Departamento de Psicología Social y Antropología. Universidad de Salamanca (España)



social managerial responsibility, small and medium company, pyme, management, businessmen and managers


The principal aim of this work has been to study the relevancy of what is known as social managerial or corporate responsibility (RSE), how this new philosophy strikes on the business management and to check in that degree the small and medium Spanish companies are taking up office or practising this new beginning of management and the motives that they stimulate. For it, there was realized an empirical study centred on the analysis of which they would be the conceptions and the basic reasons that handle the businessmen-managers and his influence in the promotion of internal and external actions of RSE. There was in use as procedure of obtaining of information a survey applied to a sample of 122 businessmen/managers belonging to small and medium companies. The results tend to reveal that the actions or practices of responsibility social of more strategic or advanced character are motivated by the possibility of obtaining helps or fiscal benefits, whereas the most philanthropic or traditional measures of the RSE would answer to criteria or reasons of improving the relations with the groups of interest or stakeholders as clients and workers.


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How to Cite

Conde Vieitez, J. A., de la Torre García, A. E., Sánchez-Anguita Muñoz, Ángel, & Antón Rubio, M. C. (2012). The impact of the social managerial responsibility in the business management: some empirical evidences in small and medium Spanish companies. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (349), 133–164.

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