Organizational support and family support among workers with disabilities. The effect of social support on job satisfaction and intention to leave


  • Vanesa Pérez Torres Profesora Asociada. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (España)



disabled workers, perceived organizational support, family support, job satisfaction, intention to leave


The aim of this study is to explore the relations between several sources of social support (organization and family), job satisfaction and intention to leave on a sample of disabled workers. Overall, were identified the contributions of different types of social support to improve job satisfaction and reduces intention to leave. These results are discussed in relation to their implications for human resources practices, corporate social responsibility and diversity management in organizations.


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How to Cite

Pérez Torres, V. (2011). Organizational support and family support among workers with disabilities. The effect of social support on job satisfaction and intention to leave . Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (341-342), 217–248.