The equality plans for the enterprise like tool for the prevention of the sexual harassment and the harassment because of sex


  • M.ª Ángeles Bustamante Ruano Asesora técnica. Licenciada en Derecho (España)



sexual harassment, harassment because of sex, equality plans, discrimination because of sex, effective equality, violence


This paper has for object to verify the preventive function of the equality plans for the enterprise as for sexual harassment and harassment because of sex, through a design of investigation that it researches the characteristics, structure and content of the equality plans for the enterprise, taking as a reference the main aspects of the policies of equality.

The study and analysis has focused on the issued of sexual harassment and the harassment because of sex, though also it seeks to contribute evidences to the equality plans for the enterprise with integral and mainstreaming character, as central tool to make the equality effective between women and men in the labor area.
The sample includes 47 equality plans for the enterprise.

The results indicate a good insertion of the matter of sexual harassment in the equality plans for the enterprise, as well as a no good insertion of the matter of the harassment because of sex. The key questions as for the technical excellence of the equality plans for the enterprise need of improvement is observed in the internal structure and overall.


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How to Cite

Bustamante Ruano, M. Ángeles. (2011). The equality plans for the enterprise like tool for the prevention of the sexual harassment and the harassment because of sex. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (338), 31–60.