High commitment human resource practices and competitive advantages. A paper concerned with its implementation and the generation of value for the company


  • Santiago Gutiérrez Broncano Profesor de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (España)
  • Juan Nicolás Montoya Monsalve Profesor de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede Manizales) (Colombia)
  • Mercedes Rubio Andrés Profesora de la Universidad San Pablo-CEU (España)




human resource management, high commitment practices, competitive advantageous, innovation, team works, case method


Human Resource (i.e. HR) Management is a factor possessing a great potential to be innovation generative and competitive advantageous for the company.

The main aim of this paper is to determine if some HR practices, and to be more concrete, those oriented to improve employees’ commitment to the company, will bring a common identity distinguishable from the rest of the companies.

All these facts form part of a previous overview and analysis of HR practices, trying to identify which of them correspond to those called High Commitment Practices.

Besides the theoretical foundation, in order to analyze the appointed main goal, the case method has been applied helping to determine new study variables to prove if there are more company realities that achieve these purposes and studying how are they achieved.

Along this part of the empirical analysis, Semco, a brazilian company that has attracted the interest of the experts for its innovative HR practices is examined. With its organizational design, very different to the rest of the companies a own identity is generated, which is the base of its competitive advantages and therefore, of its good results.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Broncano, S., Montoya Monsalve, J. N., & Rubio Andrés, M. (2010). High commitment human resource practices and competitive advantages. A paper concerned with its implementation and the generation of value for the company. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (333), 141–170. https://doi.org/10.51302/rtss.2010.5227