Healthy management of human resources in a health and care services organization


  • Jordi Tous Pallarès Profesor Titular en Psicología del Trabajo y de los Recursos Humanos del Departamento de Psicología. Universitat Rovira i Virgili (España)
  • Carolina Mayor Sánchez Profesora Asociada en Psicología del Trabajo y de los Recursos Humanos del Departamento de Psicología. Universitat Rovira i Virgili (España)
  • M.ª del Pilar Bonasa Jiménez Profesora Asociada en Psicología Social y Jurídica del Departamento de Psicología. Universitat Rovira i Virgili (España)



care work, healthy organizations, work environment, burnout, impulsivity, personality


Care work characteristics and the dynamics of management based on the concept of healthy organizations, are two widely studied and theorized aspects, but, rarely, seen in interaction as a way to enhance the quality of working life and quality of service provided in the work of people who work with people.

The demand made by the services company to our research group is an opportunity to evaluate and to intervene in health care personnel, identifying needs and proposing solutions for improvement.

Our intervention was carried out with urgent medical transport technicians and non-urgent, in two phases: a preliminary working sessions in which a battery of psychosocial tests was administered, and a second phase consisting of training sessions organized in two courses of 20 hours, tailored to the needs of participants, and in which we administered psychosocial tests of work environment, burnout, impulsivity and personality, in test-retest

Knowing and informing the results to both, workers and company, implies continuing building programs to answer the identified needs, encouraging the involvement of the worker-firm pairing, as the personal welfare of the members individually.


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How to Cite

Tous Pallarès, J., Mayor Sánchez, C., & Bonasa Jiménez, M. del P. (2010). Healthy management of human resources in a health and care services organization. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (332), 197–232.