Design and implementation of Corporate Universities as a model of management of new businesses and organisations in the 21st century


  • Jesús Ruiz García Responsable Corporativo de RR.HH. Profesor del CEF del Área de RR.HH. (España)
  • Alberto Miñarro Chao Responsable de RR.HH. y Prevención (España)
  • Boutaina Sanhaji Beyounes Técnico de RR.HH. (España)
  • Óscar Sanchís Chordá Técnico de RR.HH. (España)
  • Cristina Miranda Oliver Responsable de Prevención (España)



Corporate Universities, formation-education and training, organisational learning


In the past 20 years multiple companies have adopted the University model to manage the formation, education and training of their workers. This has led to the concept of «Corporate Universities». This new model meets the organisation’s needs of design and implementation of formation programs for their collaborators, in the context of continued and consistent formation. The intention is to cover the actual needs of the company and address the education and training process according to the company’s strategies and objectives, with the aim of increasing productivity as well as personal satisfaction among the workers. The overall aim of this current investigation project is to lay the foundation for the design and implementation of a Corporate University in a food company, consisting of 450 workers and 4 production plants, located in Spain. The idea is to create a space for knowledge and learning which will allow continued formation to take place, along with the exchange of information between professionals and which will also enhance their interrelations. This will be achieved thanks to new technologies and the interest and encouragement for continuous improvement. To meet all these aims, a management system has been developed based on the analysis and description of every job position and professional profiles. An educational itinerary has also been designed which includes all the courses to be taken for each and every professional career: management, production, quality, logistics and maintenance. Experience has proved that the Corporate University model favours the educational formation and also personal development of individuals and at the same time, levels of motivation and ambition are kept high when establishing professional careers. This promotes participants to grow professionally and the organisation to improve in productivity and human resources indicators. The Corporate University model will determinant in the process of organisational change and development open to all by the current and future difficult economic crisis.


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How to Cite

Ruiz García, J., Miñarro Chao, A., Sanhaji Beyounes, B., Sanchís Chordá, Óscar, & Miranda Oliver, C. (2010). Design and implementation of Corporate Universities as a model of management of new businesses and organisations in the 21st century. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (329-330), 203–256.