Personnel management techniques for local government


  • Benjamí Anglès Juanpere icenciado en Derecho (UOC). Máster en Administración de Empresas (URV) (España)



management, personnel, EFQM, quality, Public Administration, continuous improvement


This work has the intention to be a guide and to bring together a set of personnel ma-nagement techniques, originally designed for private sector companies, and adapt these techniques to the reality of local governments.

But beyond explaining different techniques of personnel management, useful by themselves, it really seeks to achieve the implementation of a comprehensive system of personnel management that includes planning, developing, reviewing and remuneration of all employees of the public organizations.

This work not only describes these techniques and adapts them to the circumstances and own factors of the Public Administration, also aims to provide a model of comprehensive personnel management under two general management frameworks: the EFQM model and the continuous improvement cycle.

Thus, the techniques and tools for personnel management provide support and complement each other, and exploit the resulting synergies, achieving a valid and innovative comprehensive system of personnel management for the public sector.

The objective of introducing this system of personnel management is to allow local governments to be able to respond to the multiple and changing demands of their citizens, improving efficiency and quality of their services by improving the management of its most precious resource: their employees.


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How to Cite

Anglès Juanpere, B. (2010). Personnel management techniques for local government. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (328), 183–234.