Small-sized enterprises, do they train their employees? Reflections based on a study among small-sized enterprises located in the region of Campo de Gibraltar, determining subgroups by their size


  • María José Foncubierta Rodríguez Profesora Doctora en Organización de Empresas (España)



personnel training, small enterprises, qualitative aspects of the training, financial aid for training, limitations on personnel training, Campo de Gibraltar


This paper incorporates part of the findings of a research study on the training and qualification of personnel in small businesses in the Cadiz region of Campo de Gibraltar. We analyze the volume of those enterprises which offer professional training to their personal, and in this case, what are the quality conditions of that training, because there is no real training policy without contemplation of such actions.

Based on that they were born with the aim of assisting the small business in this policy, we give attention to the knowledge, and, where appropriate, to the use of the aid to continuing education, both through the extinct National Continuing Education Agreement, –initiatives and periods that were used, the degree of coverage on the workforce, main training methods and subjects–, and through the use of the credit system of training in the new rules in Spain contained in the RD 395/07 on training system for employment, and that began with the RD 1046/03, on subsystem of continuing training.

Finally, we show the more significant comparative results among the three types of companies that have differentiated into the group of small enterprises of our survey.


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How to Cite

Foncubierta Rodríguez, M. J. (2010). Small-sized enterprises, do they train their employees? Reflections based on a study among small-sized enterprises located in the region of Campo de Gibraltar, determining subgroups by their size. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (326), 151–208.