Diagnostic model of the maturity level of digital customer experience management


  • Silvia Prieto Preboste Coordinadora de la Unidad de Innovación de la Universidad a Distancia de Madrid (España)




digital customer experience, customer journey, measurement, marketing, customer interaction


Information and communication technologies (ICT) are constantly evolving; this makes innovation a permanent need for companies. Specifically, the applicability of the ICT has a direct impact in customer purchase experience. In a digital environment, this experience comprises all digital touchpoints in which the customer interacts with the brand, the product or service, and its management, and represents one of the main foundations of the evolution of a company. The main objective of this work is to design a model that can measure the maturity level of management of digital customer experience, by means of critical review of literature, on the basis of four assessment dimensions (organisational culture, customer journey, interaction with customers and measurement of digital customer experience). Additionally, it is aimed at studying the development and implementation of a diagnostic tool that allows companies to be aware of their maturity level, as well as of potential areas for improvement.


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How to Cite

Prieto Preboste, S. (2019). Diagnostic model of the maturity level of digital customer experience management. Revista De Marketing Y Publicidad, 1(1), 101–137. https://doi.org/10.51302/marketing.2019.680