Approximation to the management of the corporate identity in the Spanish municipalities


  • Esmeralda López Alonso Profesora doctora en la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Comunicación de la Universidad Europea y consultora en Walker & Flâneur (España)
  • Begoña Moreno López Profesora doctora en la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Comunicación de la Universidad Europea y directora creativa en Maldita Studio (España)



public sector communication, strategic communication, communication management, municipal communication, public relations, corporate identity management


At a time when the municipal and political context suffers a serious crisis of credibility and confidence on the part of the citizens; Where citizen participation is increasingly pursued
and transparency is sought; In which the migration of the population and the lack of economic and
human resources in the smaller municipalities is becoming more and more pressing, the creation and consolidation of the City brand and the municipal communication are presented as fundamental tools to palliate These difficulties. Both are part of the municipal corporate identity, so to know the situation of the different municipalities of the Spanish State and to establish the difficulties, resources and advantages with which they are to implement them is vital importance.

However, scientific studies and analyses address the issue, either from the perspective of marketing with the construction of the city brand (obviating the rest of municipalities), either from the exclusive optics of communication. The present study makes an approximation of how the management of the corporate identity is being addressed in the city councils of the Spanish territory, thus combining the corporative culture, the visual identity and the communication, with the desire to be able to detect possible Shortcomings and provide a basic management model that facilitates the work of municipal corporations.


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How to Cite

López Alonso, E., & Moreno López, B. (2019). Approximation to the management of the corporate identity in the Spanish municipalities. Revista De Marketing Y Publicidad, 1(1), 7–38.