Can neuromarketing help improve website layout? A neuroscientific study on hedonic and utilitarian shopping environments




consumer neuroscience, web environment, hedonic, utilitarian, consumer behavior


Previous research in the e-commerce field has defined the two most widely used web environments, namely the hedonic (visually appealing environment, focused on the hedonic (focused and interactive) and utilitarian (informative and functional). Yet, there are no unanimous conclusions on the influence of these typologies on consumer recall. Moreover, no study has evaluated the psychological mechanisms underlying the processing of hedonic and utilitarian websites, which could be crucial, given the unconscious and introspective origin of online purchase decisions. The current reasearch uses neuroimaging (functional magnetic resonance imaging, fMRI) for the first time to identify neural differences between hedonic and utilitarian website recall. The neural data shed light on the origin of enhanced recall for hedonic environments and confirm that, while hedonic designs activate brain areas related to emotion, memory encoding and working memory, utilitarian websites only elicit brain networks related to working memory and memory function. Taken together, these results provide crucial information about the connection of neuropsychological data to online consumer behavior, and may help in the design of efficient web environments for potential consumers.


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How to Cite

Casado-Aranda, L.-A., & Sánchez-Fernández, J. (2022). Can neuromarketing help improve website layout? A neuroscientific study on hedonic and utilitarian shopping environments. Revista De Marketing Y Publicidad, 1(4), 7–30.