The new urgent regulation of dock work: dialogue or conflict between the ILO standard (job security) and the community (competition law)?


  • Cristóbal Molina Navarrete Catedrático de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social. Universidad de Jaén (España)



dockworkers, Convention n.º 137 ILO, competition rules, collective bargaining


The most representative Spanish unions have made observations to the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations of the ILO to denounce the new Spanish regulation of dock work (Royal Decree Law 8/2017), based solely on freedom of contract and freedom of enterprise, is not in accordance with Convention n.º 137 ILO. Collective bargaining in the dock work sector has established, in order to avoid the job insecurity derived from this liberalization of dock work, imposed by the jurisprudence of the CJEU, some guarantees. The main one of these guarantees is the obligation of the companies to subrogate in the labor relations established in the management companies of dock workers, which must be transformed into dock work centers or liquidated. The Spanish competition authority (CNMC) has opened a punitive file against this clause of the collective agreement. The CNMC understands that this collective clause violates the freedom of competition ex art. 101 TFEU. The new Royal Decree Law 9/2019 seeks to facilitate the transition from the previous protectionist model of port work to a liberal model by temporarily recognizing the validity of such subrogatory clauses of collective agreements. This study analyzes the main application problems of these diverse regulatory sources, in order to conclude if ILO Convention n.º 137 is respected or not by the current Spanish law on dock work.


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How to Cite

Molina Navarrete, C. (2019). The new urgent regulation of dock work: dialogue or conflict between the ILO standard (job security) and the community (competition law)?. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (434), 223–254.

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