The social jurisdiction previous administrative claim suppression


  • José Luis Lafuente Suárez Doctor en Derecho. Abogado (España)



previous administrative claim, action, compulsory finishing administrative way


The Social Jurisdiction Law has been modified by the new Common Administrative Procedure Law that has suppressed the previous administrative claim save for exceptional cases for the social security procedures. Nowadays, the administrative suppression of the previous element exposes a notable legal insecurity because it is not quite clear, currently, what is exactly the right way to act against the Public Administrations in the social jurisdiction. There is uncertainty, particularly in order to decide, before claiming, if it is necessary to use the ordinary previous way of official out of court settlement attempts or mediation and, if not, deciding the focus of ending administrative procedure is the right way to proceed. This paper traces the different positions and above all, tries to offer a coherent answer to the questions set out.


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How to Cite

Lafuente Suárez, J. L. (2017). The social jurisdiction previous administrative claim suppression. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (411), 83–102.