A configurational approach to connect future work scenarios with human resources models and organizational research trends
people management, research trends, future scenarios, HR models, prospective study, configurational approach, HR trends, organizational effectiveness, challenges for organizationsAbstract
People Management in organizations has evolved over the last 150 years in response to the numerous events that have occurred in the environment. During this period, the systemic effects of successive industrial revolutions have been altering the way organizations respond to the need to manage their HR. From this historical perspective, the current moment is presented as a challenge for the profession given the speed and depth of changes compared to previous times. This paper analyzes four scenarios to which organizations and workers must adapt, the six main HRM models, as well as the main trends and topics of interest for ongoing research. After the study of these three elements, an original proposal is developed within the configurational tradition, connecting them according to competitive effectiveness perspective. Next, various guidelines and implications are developed aimed at stimulating reflection in both academic and professional spheres, resulting in the improvement of the quality of decisions, something particularly relevant in a competitive context that often heavily penalizes mistakes.
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