Balance of measures to promote recruitment in the period 2012-2015


  • Joan Antoni Alujas Ruiz Profesor del Departamento de Econometría, Estadística y Economía Aplicada. Sección de Políticas Públicas. Universidad de Barcelona (España)
  • Fernando Barrancho Tovillas Profesor del Departamento de Derecho Privado. Sección de Derecho del Trabajo. Universidad de Barcelona (España)



unemployment, recruitment incentives, temporary rate


Our study focuses on the analysis of the hiring in Spain from 2012 in order to analyze the impact of the last labour reform and measures to promote employment subsequently approved in the evolution of the number and type of contracts. After reviewing the measures to promote permanent contracts introduced by the reforms, we analyze the results of recruitment at the aggregate level and by sex, age and educational level during the period 2012-2015.
This analysis allows us to determine whether there is any effect of the different measures on recruitment, especially undefined and their differential impact according to the collective.
The most obvious conclusion to be derived from analysis of the results at national level is the increase in recruitment, particularly from 2014, both permanent and temporary, but with a lower weight of subsidized contracts (initials and conversions).
The relevance of this issue is reflected in the different measures implemented in the last legislature to help reverse the employment situation due to the economic crisis that began in 2008, trying to spur hiring while seeks to promote job stability and reduce temporary rates.


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How to Cite

Alujas Ruiz, J. A., & Barrancho Tovillas, F. (2016). Balance of measures to promote recruitment in the period 2012-2015. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (400), 137–164.

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