Does the postponement and payment by fractions apply in the execution of money judgements? The powers of Justice Administration attorneys




money judgements, powers, postponement and payment by fractions apply, Justice Administration attorneys


The execution of final judgments is part of the constitutional right to effective judicial protection. However, in the social jurisdictional sphere, an attenuation of the consequences of the urging of these has traditionally been recognized with attention to the maintenance of labor relations within the company. With the passing of the current Social Jurisdiction Regulating Law, the powers of the effectiveness of the execution are distributed between the judge or court and the Justice Administration lawyers, in such a way that it corresponds to an initiative in the executive materialization of the aforementioned softening that, nevertheless, must respect the limits of its correct interpretation, as well as its judicial review.


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How to Cite

Lafuente Suárez, J. L. (2021). Does the postponement and payment by fractions apply in the execution of money judgements? The powers of Justice Administration attorneys. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (456), 35–64.