The interference of the European economic governance in the wages collective bargaining and public pension systems


  • Nora María Martínez Yáñez Profesora Contratada Doctora. Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social. Universidad de Vigo (España)



European economic governance, wages, pensions, collective bargaining, social policy


The EU economic governance has achieved, in recent years, an unprecedented development, becoming a voracious superstructure that unfolds more and more intense and expansive, powers through which it has been able to absorb regulatory processes that few years ago were developed independently in other contexts and by other actors –coordination of employment policies, social policies, pensions, collective bargaining of wage determination, etc.–. The occupation of outside competence areas generates significant collisions within the legal system of the Union, but also between it and the legal systems of the Member States. This paper aims to examine the instruments the EU uses to intervene in wage policies and pension systems of the Member States and to evaluate its ability to impact through the analysis of its implementation mechanisms. The knowledge of the political tendencies that are imposed through the European Semester not only allows to contextualize and better understand the reforms carried out in Spain, but also glimpse other reforms that sooner or later will be implemented.


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How to Cite

Martínez Yáñez, N. M. (2015). The interference of the European economic governance in the wages collective bargaining and public pension systems. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (389-390), 13–60.