Emotions in the workplace: approach of analysis and evaluation of «emotional labour»


  • Richard Mababu Mukiur Profesor de Psicología. Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, UDIMA (España)




emotional labour, burnout, organizational rules, emotional exhaustion, emotional dissonance


This paper analyzes the importance of emotions in the workplace, focusing on the dimensions of emotional labor (TE) desplayed through the study of reliability and factorial validity of emotional labor questionnaire (TREMO). It also determines the relationship between TE and burnout. The TE refers to the expression of desirable emotions to influence relations with customers or users, and tends to generate burnout in response to chronic stress in interpersonal and emotional work. The study sample consists of 615 participants from the hospitality and tourism sector. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis have been used as the main techniques to study the reliability and validity of TREMO questionnaire. Correlations and hierarchical regression analyzes have been performed to determine the relationship between the dimensions of the TE and burnout. The results obtained show that the analysis of reliability and factorial validity of psychometric data presented in the TREMO questionnaire are appropriate for evaluating the TE. In the same line, this study identifies five dimensions of the TE in which «organizational standards» explains about 19 % of the explained variance. The dimensions of the TE are also revealed to be good predictors of burnout. Moreover, this study presents some significant correlations between the TE and burnout.


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How to Cite

Mababu Mukiur, R. (2013). Emotions in the workplace: approach of analysis and evaluation of «emotional labour». Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (360), 1–40 (digital). https://doi.org/10.51302/rtss.2013.3116