Labour dimension of the supposed –or pretentious?– new «Promotional Status of the Entrepreneur»
labour market policies, self-employment, entrepreneursAbstract
Official State Gazette publishes, at last, and with great fanfare, the considered real «Entrepreneurial Law», Act 14/2013. This Act was preceded by a first watered down version, represented by the Law 11/ 2013. These two laws make heavy use of measures of social security and labour to promote entrepreneurial activity. The purpose of this study is to analyze, from a strictly labour sphere (employment measures, labour law, social security, work authorization –start-up visa–), if the law firm supports the proposed new faith in Law 14/2013 to promote the economic growth and entrepreneurship or whether, on the contrary, such laws multiply confusing situations between self-employment and the «false self-employment». And we will see that not only the path taken by the Law 14/2013 is insufficient to create favorable to the improvement of business conditions, but still very tortuous areas when at least some, wrong, because rather favor the return to «evasion strategies of the labour law», now towards self-employment transvestite legal status of an evanescent promotion «entrepreneurial activity».