Leadership development, developing leaders


  • José Manuel de Haro García Psicólogo del trabajo y de las organizaciones. Coordinador académico «Experto en desarrollo del talento directivo». Universidad de Alicante (España)




leadership development, training and talent and management


For years, executives from all over the world have taken part in seminars and workshops to learn how to become better leaders. However, results have been uneven. In some cases, participats have the perception of not having improved much. In other cases participants are not even sure of having improved at all. The explanation for these poor results is not straightforward. The design of the course might have been erroneous, the methods, the teachers, the environment, either some of these, or all of them simultaneously. To clarify this situation it is necessary to go into each of these factors in depth, and to define their importance in the search of effectiveness in management development.

Based on an approach that puts working patterns before specific techniques, in this work a thorough review of the following aspects is carried out: current requirements of the management function, and the elements (axes) involved in any management development program (what, who, where and how to develop). Then, five guidelines to improve the effectiveness of such programs are proposed, which take into account the key findings of the behavioral sciences.

In this paper, it is shown that management development is a systematic process of self-updating (developing managers). In this process, the attitude and the effort of the executive as the subject of this learning procedure is much more relevant than the methods. Therefore, there is a need to develop new ways of approaching leadership, to carry out more applied research on the effectiveness of different methods, and to create new models to guide us in finding the best results, which take into consideration the peculiarities of this situation.


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How to Cite

de Haro García, J. M. (2012). Leadership development, developing leaders. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (346), 191–222. https://doi.org/10.51302/rtss.2012.3287