Innovation, employability and transactional leadership: how they affect performance? A theoretical and empirical analysis


  • Joaquín Camps Torres Universidad de Valencia (España)
  • Federico Torres Carballo Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica (Costa Rica)



learning, innovation, employability, transactional, leadership, performance


Research has traditionally considered learning and innovation to be a consequence of organizational and individual characteristics. This paper aims to approach the subject from a different angle. While researchers have learned a great deal about the effects of managers’ and employees’ characteristics on learning and innovation, relatively little is known about the role of innovation as a factor which affects managers’ and employees’ characteristics. Thus, this paper suggests that an innovative climate in a learning organization has a positive effect on a specific employee characteristic (employability) and on a specific managerial characteristic (contingent reward transactional leadership style). These original relationships have been empirically evaluated, alongside the well documented relationship between contingent reward leadership style and a worker’s individual performance. Our hypotheses were tested and confirmed via a sample group of 795 professors from 70 university departments from Costa Rica, using a structural equation methodology.

Supporting Agencies

Los autores quisieran agradecer al Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación la financiación aportada para la realización de esta investigación (proyecto ECO2008-03178)


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How to Cite

Camps Torres, J., & Torres Carballo, F. (2010). Innovation, employability and transactional leadership: how they affect performance? A theoretical and empirical analysis. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (332), 163–192.