Construct of learning organizations: dimensions and measurement


  • Richard Mababu Mukiur Profesor de Psicología. Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, UDIMA (España)



learning organization, learning process, factor analysis, correlations, telecomunications


This study examines the construct of «learning organizations» which was popularized by Peter Senge in 1990. Previous studies on this issue determine that a «learning organization» is a construct that institutionalizes the processes of learning and self-renewal that support the process of building a common understanding, diagnosis and problem solving, value creation and self-evaluation. Learning organizations are precisely the institutions which have the most stable competitive advantage, more than its competitors. In this context, several authors have develop theories on this construct. Some have proposed mea- surable dimensions of this construct as well as tools to evaluate them.

In this context, the paper examines the dimensions that define the «learning organization». To reach this objective, the Learning Organizations Dimensions Questionnaire (DLOQ), which was implemented by Watkins and Marsick, was used. It was administered to 240 participants from the telecommunication sector. About 62% are men and women represent 38% of the sample. The age of participants ranges from 24-53 years, with an average of 31 years (SD = 7.56). The exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and Pearson correlations were the main techniques used for data analyze. The findings of this work identify six dimensions of «learning organizations» which are: team learning, empowerment, strategic management, research and development, continuous learning and integrated system. Together, the six factors identified explain 62% of the variance. In addition, correlations between the different factors are significant and suggest a solid convergent validity between the dimensions of this instrument. The results of this study require further research to better approach and understanding of the construct «learning organizations».


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How to Cite

Mababu Mukiur, R. (2010). Construct of learning organizations: dimensions and measurement. Revista De Trabajo Y Seguridad Social. CEF, (329-330), 173–202.