Neuromarketing. An ethical-legal approach


  • Susana Ferrero Soutelo Graduada en el Doble Grado de Derecho y Administración y Dirección de Empresas por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (España)



neuromarketing, neuroethics, code of ethics


«The neuromarketing. An ethical-legal approach» is beyond the mere analysis of the concept and the bases of a technique that has arisen thanks to the technological advances that have led to the cohesion between disciplines and topics such as neuroscience and marketing.

Despite its youth, neuromarketing has been the subject of a study mainly about its work or its techniques, however, there is no unanimity about the creation of the guidelines of behavior or the norms that act in the face of new dangers and ethical commitments that may arise due to fraudulent use.

The objective of this essay is to conclude, once analyzed the possible ethical violations and moral concerns that cause their use in society, an effective regulation route.


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How to Cite

Ferrero Soutelo, S. (2019). Neuromarketing. An ethical-legal approach. Revista De Marketing Y Publicidad, 1(2), 95–127.